Understanding the Jobs of a UX Designer and Product Designer

As technology continues to grow, so do the responsibilities of a User Experience designer. Working alongside Product Designers, these specialists are central in creating the user experience of products and services.

A UX Designer is responsible for improving user satisfaction by optimizing the functionality and engagement between the consumer and the service. Sometimes mistaken for the Product Designer role, the two are similar but not identical.

Looked at predominantly in digital products, a Design expert's role integrates concepts from User Interface Design, visual design, and interaction design to create a efficient and aesthetically pleasing design.

A UX expert focuses their efforts on the customer— understanding what they need, choices, and habits through various research methods. This approach, referred to as Design Centrado no Usuário, ensures the creation is made with the consumer's requirements and UX in consideration.

The creation of a Design System— a comprehensive set of design standards, components, and principles— is another UX Designer task of UX Designers. This package aids in maintaining consistency across different products and improves efficiency.

Prototyping and user testing are essential steps in the creation process. A model is a preliminary model of the design that serves to identify potential issues and areas for enhancement. User testing are then carried out to check the creation's effectiveness and ease of use.

The understanding and organization of information— known as data design— serves to boost the design's usability and buyer satisfaction.

Finally, feedback from real users— achieved through user surveys— provides valuable insights that aid in improvements and future product evolution.

Tools such as Figma, a cloud-based design and prototyping tool—are valuable assets for User Experience Designers, aiding in team collaboration and distributing designs with ease.

In summary, the roles of a UX Designer and Product Designer give an essential contribution to the creation, improvement, and evolution of designs. Through a unique method, involving research, design, and testing, they guarantee products are user-friendly, meet user needs, and efficient.

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